
Sunday, 7 September 2008

I Wanna Kiss Myself

Spent the whole day in Phonica on Sunday so I'm feeling inspired enough to write a big post gorged full of all the badstuff I was lucky enough to hear. There's loads to get through so get nice and comfy. First up is Damian Lazarus' effort at the Sci-Fi-Lo-Fi series..

At first glance I wrote this one off, thinking that it was another instalment of the boring Sci-Fi-Hi-Fi series that generally equates to lots of average/semi-decent techno. To my surprise however, volume 2 of the more abstract Sci-Fi-Lo-Fi series showcases a bunch of genres, beginning with a tidy hip-hop number, sculpted by Sir Andrew Weatherall, which soon enough gets segued into Burial's "Etched Headplate". I pretty much handed myself over to old Lazarus from then onwards and was taken on an enjoyable ride through a soundscape which features MAW, Pulp, Jus Ed and Hercules and Love Affair amongst others. I really dislike Pulp, they have never done anything for me.. but the Moloko mix of their track on this compilation is bliss. Check out samples of the mix here and make sure you listen to the Kassem Mosse track.

Here's a couple of down-time albums:

Voice Of The Seven Woods - The Journey

This one floats by like a dream. It's only 16:48 minutes long but it feels much longer, and its length surprisingly doesn't take away from its value. You can hear some samples here - I'd say that "Breaking Moonlight" gives a good idea of the overall tone of the album/EP.

Lindstrom - Where You Go I Go Too

Not really one to bum Lindstrom, me. I can't say that I've ever bought any of his records (although I did pick up an album he did with Prins Thomas ages ago). Some of his work reeks of quality and norwegian dope but.. as is often the case, the hype around him unnerves me a bit. Perhaps I'm just a sucker for his buddy Prins Thomas who is still to this day one of the best dj's I've heard and he's also a savvy producer. Anyway, Where You Go I Go Too is an excellent listen, with 3 pieces ranging from 10 - 30 minutes in length and a relentless supply of great moments encompassing beat-less balearic rollers and ethereal disco chuggers. Have a mooch over here.

Dramatic Funk Themes Vol.1

Funk doesn't seem to be getting much of a look-in these days, it's all discotechnodiscoelectro on the blogs. This compilation is a deserving exception to the unwritten rule though, with bags of quality shining through on every single one of the 20 tracks it holds. Have a listen to the first track (reminds me of "jungle boogie") on the player here where you'll also find some informative blurb on how the release came to be.

I'm spent. Thanks for reading if you've made it this far!

(Just realised how dull all of those record covers were! I'll attempt to pick out some more colourful bits next time I post.. promise.)

1 comment:

dark jazzor said...

been sitting on my desk for a while now but not given the lindstrom lp a chance yet. need to set aside some time for a 'proper listen'. not heard the others though, gonna def go check out the lazarus sci fi comp - the previous vol mixed by weatherall was excellent.